Join us for our 2 day Player Training Camp we will be providing 2.5 hours of a Ice training Development with our professional coaching staff along with 1.5 hours of off ice training @ Factory63/ Finngoalie Equipment & Training Centre
Schedule (March 10-11th)
9am-10:00am ON-ICE Technical Training @ GEC
10:30am-12pm 0ff-Ice Training @ Factory63 / Finngoalie
12pm-1pm Lunch/ Classroom
1:30-3pm ON-ICE Tactical Training @ GEC
Confirmed Instructors :
Robbie Schiochetti (Bedford Minor Development Staff )
Ryan Hillier (Former Professional / March & Mill Co. Hunters U18AAA Coach)
Jack Hartigan ( Glasgow Clan , EIHL Coach)
For 2015-2017 aged players